Green arrows with its enriched experience can support Organisations in implementing road safety policies within the organization, stakeholders, and society and ensuring people’s safety. We are committed to achieving the government mission to bring down accidents by 50 % in next 2020 through the following Services:
- Road Safety Training & Projects
- EHS Inspections & Audits
- Road safety Awareness Programs Designed For Schools & Colleges
- Content Development
Green arrows act as a catalyst to help schools, and colleges imbibe Road Safety in students through various learning methodologies.

One of the leading newspapers once quoted: A child who learns about traffic rules and road discipline will grow up to be a law-abiding citizen. The habit of obeying traffic rules teaches a person a sense of responsibility, empathy for others and respect the other person’s rights,”
Schools need to play a wider role in ensuring road safety by properly educating and informing students about the importance of road safety. It’s vitally important to help shape children and young people’s understanding of and attitudes towards road safety, to help give them the best chance of keeping safe while they’re young and as they get older.
Not only this, the recent unfortunate happenings in schools has shocked the entire nation. Our children must be sensitized towards physical violence & abuse, medical emergencies, the use of first aid kit, natural calamities, etc.
Green arrows invite corporates to support Road Safety Programs for schools as their CSR projects to build a better & safer India.